Sunday, October 07, 2007


At the Heart of Texas Fair, in Waco, last night. Forgot my camera, so I used my phone, and this is what I got. Looking for color where we can find it, adding color to our lives.

Okay, so I took this picture with the "colorful" tag at in mind. I am aware of how social networking and blogging have given new importance to the still photograph.

I am looking for new ways to explore using visual photography in my teaching. In the spring, I'll be teaching "Creative Media" and will start to employ some of what I learned through the Literacy through Photography program at Fotofest here in Houston.

Has the advent of flickr and other ways to share photographs changed how we "see"?

1 comment:

LarryK said...

Aren't people drawn,at least in part, to carnivals because they are so colorful? What can we do to make learning more colorful?