Monday, April 30, 2007

Wiki Away!

I'm pleased to see that almost everyone is up-to-date on the curriculum wikis for English/Language Arts and Social Studies/History. (Hint: Use these hyperlinks, if you've forgotten how to get there.) As we see the year unfold in these disciplines, we can begin to make connections and see how we all work together to reach and teach our students.

Now it's time to take advantage of the discussion feature (see the tab at the top of the wiki page) and begin a valuable conversation about our courses -- how they work together, how they reinforce one another, but also how they leave gaps and sometimes work at cross-purposes.

Use the discussion feature as you would a "forum" in Moodle. You can post a comment or a questions and wait for a response, react to that response, and on and on.

Who knows, perhaps the wiki could make curriculum meetings obsolete?

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